Monday, September 15, 2014

 RMS Student Council Creates and Presents "Dance Rules" PSA with iPads

The RMS Student Council recently created a PSA to teach students about our school dance rules.  The video crew got together during their lunch periods and worked to create a video that illustrates the dance rules in a student-friendly, engaging, and fun way.  Using their iPads, students moved around the building to film various scenes "on location".  They even got Mr. Lepene into the action by presenting him with "yellow slips" in his office so that he could say, "No dance for you!"
Once the video was edited, the video crew visited 6th and 7th grade homerooms to present the video via Apple TV and answer questions that students had about dances at RMS.
This was a wonderful opportunity for Council members to create a learning tool, present to peers, and provide leadership in our school.
Here is a link to the RMS Dance Rules "PSA" :  RMS Student Council "Dance Rules" PSA

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