Tuesday, August 20, 2013

1-1 Introduction Cover Letter Fall 2013

8th Grade Parents and Guardians, August 20, 2013

We are excited to begin our 1-1 iPad program this Fall with the 8th grade. This means each student in the 8th grade will be issued an iPad to use for the entire school year.  We see this curriculum initiative as a way to help foster skills necessary for learning in the 21st century, while not losing sight of the core principles that have made the Richmond Middle School program successful for so long. It is the task of our middle school to bridge the gap between childhood and adulthood, from dependence to independence, and from understanding the world in a simple and concrete manner to comprehending it in its multifaceted, multilayered configuration.

Please review the links to documents that provide some specifics for the program, a section of frequently asked questions and responses, insurance information and also an acceptable use agreement for students and parents to sign. We will be reviewing this material at our information night at RMS on Monday, August 26 at 6:30 and again with students in homerooms during the first week of school. IPads will be distributed to students with signed acceptable use agreements beginning on Tuesday, September 3rd.

RMS staff have been working through the summer to prepare for the effective use of the iPads in their classrooms. We look forward to partnering with students and parents as we explore and examine the possibilities this new initiative will help facilitate. Here are a few ways we anticipate utilizing the technology:

-As a student planner and calendar and to access the school email system.
-For taking notes and writing.
-For reading and annotating digital editions of school texts and readings.
-Creating multimedia and online reports, projects, and assessments.
-Supporting school projects with camera and video.
-Participating in class blogs and discussions.
-Accessing class portal pages and other online resources.

We will work to keep you informed as we experience success, make adjustments or corrections and learn together. To that end please visit our school web site and 1-1 blog for additional information. In addition, please contact us with questions, feedback or observations. We look forward to the collaboration!

Michael Lepene Marty Warren Laura Abbene RMS Staff